Dental Restoration Procedure

How to Choose a Dental Restoration Procedure to Fix Damaged Teeth

Teeth Cleaning

When teeth are damaged due to decay, injury, or other factors, dental restoration procedures offer effective solutions to repair and restore their function and appearance. If you’re looking to fix damaged teeth, it’s important to choose the right dental restoration procedure that suits your specific needs.

Atlantis Dental Care provides a range of dental restoration options to address various dental issues.

In this article, we will guide you on how to choose a dental restoration procedure that can help you regain a healthy and beautiful smile.

Assess Your Dental Condition:

The first step in choosing a dental restoration procedure is to assess your dental condition. Consider the extent of the damage, such as decay, cracks, chips, or missing teeth. Also, take note of any existing oral health issues like gum disease or bite problems. This evaluation will help you determine which restoration procedure is most suitable for your specific needs.

Consult with a Dental Professional:

Consulting with a dental professional, such as the experts at Atlantis Dental Care, is essential for selecting the appropriate dental restoration procedure. A dentist will conduct a thorough examination, including X-rays and oral health assessments, to evaluate your dental condition accurately. They will then recommend the most suitable restoration options based on your oral health, aesthetic goals, and budget.

Consider Different Restoration Options:

There are various dental restoration options available, each designed to address specific dental issues.

Here are a few common procedures to consider:

Dental Fillings:

Used to treat cavities, dental fillings restore teeth by removing decayed material and filling the space with a durable material like composite resin or amalgam.

Dental Crowns:

These are tooth-shaped caps that cover damaged or weakened teeth, restoring their shape, strength, and appearance.

Dental Bridges: 

Bridges are used to replace one or more missing teeth by anchoring artificial teeth (pontics) to adjacent natural teeth or dental implants.

Dental Implants:

Implants are a permanent solution for missing teeth. They involve surgically placing a titanium post in the jawbone, which acts as a stable foundation for a crown or bridge.


Dentures are removable appliances that replace missing teeth and restore oral functionality and aesthetics.

Dental Veneers:

Thin, custom-made shells that are bonded to the front surface of teeth to improve their appearance by correcting issues like discoloration, chips, or gaps.

Consider Longevity and Aesthetics:

When choosing a dental restoration procedure, consider the longevity of the restoration and its aesthetic impact. Some procedures, like dental implants and dental crowns, offer long-term solutions with excellent durability and natural-looking results.

Discuss these factors with your dentist to ensure that your chosen restoration will meet your expectations in terms of longevity and aesthetic appearance.

Evaluate Cost and Insurance Coverage:

It’s important to consider the cost of the dental restoration procedure and check if it’s covered by your dental insurance plan. Dental insurance plans may cover a portion of the cost for certain procedures, while others may be considered cosmetic and not covered. Discuss the financial aspects with your dental provider and consider any payment options or financing plans they may offer.


Choosing the right dental restoration procedure requires careful consideration of your dental condition, consultation with a dental professional, evaluation of different restoration options, and consideration of factors like longevity, aesthetics, and cost.

Atlantis Dental Care offers a comprehensive range of dental restoration procedures to help you fix damaged teeth and achieve a healthy, functional, and beautiful smile.

Schedule a consultation with Atlantis Dental Care to determine the most suitable dental restoration procedure for your specific needs and take a step towards restoring your dental health.

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